Introducing the Saljol Rollator Range
Here at Moveability Australia we have so many fantastic products, and some that you may not have even seen before.
We have recently expanded our rollator range to include two new fantastic Locomo products, the German made Saljol Carbon Rollator and Saljol Aluminium Rollator.
The Saljol Carbon is made from carbon fibre and weighs only 5.6kgs. It is super stable, very strong, portable and lightweight. The Saljol Carbon is available in many colours and comes with a stylish weather-resistant bag and cane holder already attached.
A feature that sets this rollator apart is the added safety feature of slider brakes (AKA drag brakes). These are attached to each rear wheel and can be switched on or off to increase or decrease resistance to the wheels. This allows for a slowed decent – ideal for walking downhill or for those who are concerned about their walker ‘rolling away’ on them.
The Saljol Aluminium is 6.4kgs. This rollator is designed with a larger front set of 250mm PU tyres to roll over bumps and cracks with added tread. It comes with a basket (which can carry up to 5kg), cane-holder, the one-handed brake cable should you wish to convert it and can be purchased in a number of different colours.
Both rollators have a user weight capacity of 150kg. They have height-adjustable handles, and they don’t come much higher than this! The Saljol Carbon and Aluminium have tall people covered with height adjustable handles that go all the way up to 103cm.
They both have a scissor-folding design making storage and transport easy. They have an in-built seat made from comfortable canvas, allowing you to sit and take a load off at any time. The skin-friendly handles and armrests are made from cork-TPE, which is suitable for sensitive hands, shock-absorbing, and feels natural, non-slip, and comfortable. Built for night owls, Saljol’s also have numerous reflectors to light you up in poor visibility.
One special feature that both the Carbon and Aluminium have is the ability to customise the rollator to a one-handed brake system, ideal for those who no longer have full dexterity in both hands.
Pop in and trial these new, stylish, and practical rollators today at 9b Crittenden Road, Findon.